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COMP47660 - Secure Software Engineering 2021/2022 COMP47660 - Secure Software Engineering 2021/2022
Assignment 1
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EPPACK V1.0: Energy proportionality toolkit for servers and datacenters
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Optimization of Multithreaded Matrix Multiplication, 2D Fast Fourier Transform, 3D Fast Fourier Transform on Multicore CPU Processors Using Parallel Computing Methods
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COMP47360 Research Practicum project for Team 3, "Raduno"
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An analysis into the energy consumption of websites for carbon footprint reduction.
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Optimization of 3D fast Fourier transform on Modern Computing Platforms
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SummaGen: Parallel Matrix-Matrix Multiplication Based on Non-rectangular Partitions for Heterogeneous HPC Platforms
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Your software engineering team has been hired to meet the needs of a client, a local Musical Instrument Shop. This shop is family-owned and has sold musical instruments locally for years. All of their business to-date is walk-in retail customers.
Topics: COMP3030JUpdated -
A Tool for Programming Portable Parallel Applications on Heterogeneous Hybrid Servers
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This is Sanidhya Arora and Vladmir Graur's SWE Assignment 2